Don & Glenda Moore, Integrity Plumbing - The 7-Power Contractor

We Have a New Way of Thinking

We are looking forward to working more with Al. We already have seen some positive changes taking place since the Planning Power! visit. We have a “new way of thinking.” It is already starting to show up in the attitudes of our people.

Since Al left we have accomplished the following: Our dress standard is better but not finished. Employee files are LOCKED. I have contacted our software provider and I know what it will cost for them to come here to teach us how to use it. Right now we are practicing using it to see what it does for us. We have started role playing situations that come up so we know better next time how to handle it. We have ordered another head set for Kim. We have bought a Hackney truck (the cats meow). I have been working on the Dan Weltman method but not done with it. I have read the Needs Assessment report and Don has read about half. We have started a tool inventory and color coding them for accountability. Our eyes have been opened to a much better method of running trucks and inventory, and we now know what we are and are not (service providers, not a warehouse with “parts for sale”). Oh yeah we love the idea of digital cameras, especially how Al said to use them “under the house!”

Anyway I thought I would share with you how excited we are. Al is giving us a much broader way of thinking! Thanks so much.

Don & Glenda Moore, Owners
Integrity Plumbing
Florence, OR

— Don & Glenda Moore, Integrity Plumbing

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